Technical Reference
66 56K Voice Faxmodem Internal - User’s Guide
Register Default Function
S10 14 Sets the duration, in tenths of a second, that the modem
waits to hang up after loss of carrier. This guard time
allows the modem to distinguish between a line
disturbance from a true disconnect (hang up) by the
remote modem.
Note: If you set S10 = 255, the modem will not hang up
when carrier is lost. Dropping DTR hangs up the modem.
S11 70 Sets the duration and spacing, in milliseconds, for tone
S12 50 Sets the duration, in fiftieths of a second, of the guard time
for the escape code sequence (+++).
S13 0 Bit-mapped register. Select the bit(s) you want on and set
S13 to the total of the values in the Value column. For
example, ATS13 = 17 enables bit 0 (value is 1) and bit 4
(value is 16).
Bit Value Result
0 1 Reset when DTR drops.
1 2 Reset non-MNP transmit buffer from
1.5K to 128 bytes.*
2 4 Set backspace key to delete.
3 8 On DTR signal, auto dial the number
stored in NVRAM at position 0.
4 16 At power on/reset, auto dial the
number stored in NVRAM at position
5 32 Reserved
6 64 Disable quick retrains.
7 128 Disconnect on escape code.