LLC2 Frames and PPP LLC2 frames are not sent or received over PPP unless global bridging is enabled using the SETDefault -BRidge CONTrol = Enabled command. You must enable LLC2 on the port using:

SETDefault !<port> -LLC2 CONTrol = Enabled.

If bridging is enabled and you do not want bridging, either set the -BRidge CONTrol parameter to NoForward, or disable bridging on individual ports by setting the following command:

SETDefault -BRidge TransparentBridge = NoTransparentBridge

Maximum BSC Line For V.35 and RS-232 links, the maximum baud rate supported for BSC traffic is Speed 38.4. If the baud rate is higher, BSC traffic suffers errors and retransmissions.

SHDLC Half-DuplexSHDLC does not support physical half-duplex mode.


SDLC SDLC requires the following:

XID spoofing must be turned on if the IBM Communication Manager is used for 3270 communications and is defined as a PU type 2.0. Use the following syntax:

SETDefault !<PU name> -SDLC CUXId = <value> (8 Hexadecimal digits)

SETDefault !<PU name> -SDLC CUXidDefined = Yes

SDLC end-to-end through local switching (conversion to a single LLC2 LAN connection between two NETBuilder bridge/routers) requires different virtual ring numbers in the LLC2 Service.

SDLC Adjacent Link When you configure SDLC adjacent link stations for APPN, if an active link Stations for APPN becomes inactive and you change the port definition using the PortDef parameter,

the link remains inactive. If you try to reactivate the link using the SET -APPN LinkStaCONTrol command, the link reactivates within 30 seconds. To activate the link immediately, you must enable the APPN port using the SET -APPN PortControl = Enable command.

Source Route The NETBuilder II bridge/router cannot interoperate with Cisco or IBM routers if Transparent Bridging the NETBuilder bridge/router is configured using Source Route Transparent

Gateway (SRTG) Gateway (SRTG) with Source Route bridging on the token ring LAN port and Interoperability Transparent Bridging on the PPP or Frame Relay WAN ports. In this configuration,

the NETBuilder II bridge/router is sending using PPP bridge encapsulation 802.5 token ring format, while the IBM 6611 and the Cisco 400 router are using PPP bridge encapsulation 802.3 Ethernet format.

SDLC Ports and NetView An SDLC port defined for NetView Service Point cannot be used for SDLC-to-LLC2.

Service Point

UI Response Time With When NETBuilder bridge/router is configured with many SDLC PUs, SETDefault Large SDLC commands may take a long time to complete. Using the Defrag command to

configuration streamline the flash that contains the configuration files can fix the problem.

VTAM Program VTAM Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs) are required on a mainframe when APPN Temporary Fixes DLU services are used. Mainframe network management (NetView) services will

not function for downstream physical units (PUs) if the PTFs are not installed.

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3Com 86-0621-000, C36460T software manual Mode, Service Point