synchronization, which causes packets to be dropped when the MLP port is enabled.
SPID Wizard Detection If the two routers are connected to a single
disconnect one of the routers from the
STP AutoMode Does Not When a NETBuilder II TI is connected over X.25 to a NETBuilder II bridge/router Select the Right Mode that has Ethernet or token ring, and the Ethernet is transparent bridging to other
routers over X.25 and the token ring interface requires source route bridging to the NETBuilder II TI, STP does not select the right mode when the default value is AutoMode. Set the STP value to SRTMode.
Supported Modems Table 13 lists asynchronous and Table 14 list synchronous modems supported by 3Com.
Table 13 Supported Asynchronous Modems
Hayes (Accura 33.6)
Motorola (ModemSURFR 33,600)
3Com/USR (Courier, Sportster)
Multitech (MT1932ZDX)
3Com/USR (Impact IQ)
Table 14 Supported Synchronous Modem
3Com/USR (Courier)
Routing Protocols and This section describes notes, cautions, and other considerations to be aware of
Services Notes when using the Enterprise OS software and routing protocols and services. The topics are presented in alphabetical order.
BGP Configuration Files Prior to software version 10.1, BGP configuration files were written to flash memory every 10 SETDs, ADDs, or Deletes. Beginning with version 10.1, BGP configurations are saved to flash memory immediately after each change, which practically eliminates the need for the SAVEbgp command.
3Com recommends that you pay special attention to bridge/router platforms running software version 10.1 and greater with
Prior to software version 10.1, all IGP routes except OSPF External routes were imported into the BGP routing table by default. Beginning with software version 10.1, the “import” of IBP routes into BGP is controlled by the BGP IntPolDefault parameter.