Viewing measurements on the display
Viewing data and data finder page
8.The sessions (files) will load and post to the Data Finder page under Family: Noise Dosimetry heading.
∙Quick tip: click on the button and the data files will post directly under the specific
family. Click on the file and select either to view in charts and graphs.
Example of data file in recent view
Figure 5-4: Recent downloaded data
After the data is downloaded, it is stored and viewable in the data finder. With a quick
Selecting and viewing data
1.In the Data Find page (see 1), select the Noise Dosimetry data (see 2) by clicking on either the session/study (Note: you may need to expand to see the study data.)
∙ Once selected, it will appear with a blue shading.
2.Optional: To reorganize the data displayed in the data finder columns, click drag and drop the titles of the columns in different positions. To shrink/expand the columns, click and drag the black column divider(s). (Note: these methods are similar to positioning/expanding in Excel.)
3.To view in Graphs and Tables, click on or
Selected Edge data
Data headings (optional: drag, drop and/or expand columns to view data)
| Analyze button |
| Quick Report button |
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Figure |
Page 43 | eg4 & eg3 |