3M eg4, eg3 Setting-up your dosimeter parameters for your noise studies, Running your studies

Models: eg4 eg3

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Noise assessment steps

1.Perform a task-based work flow analysis of unacceptable “noisy” areas and list regulations/codes you will follow.

Observe facility/areas and jot down areas of concern

Check with standards and noise ordinance regulations in your region/city.

See Chapter 1 for basic information on dosimetry and standards

2.Setting-up your dosimeter parameters for your noise studies.

Customize measurement setup (i.e., criterion level, threshold, weighting, exchange rate, etc.)

See chapter 2 for getting started with your dosimeter

See Chapter 3 for customizing your set-up parameters

See Chapter 6 for Noise study scenarios

3.Running your studies.

Calibrate dosimeter

Attach the dosimeter

Run, observe, and stop your studies

Understand display indicators

See Chapter 4 “Running and operating the Edge”

4.View your results via QSP-II.

Working with Charts and Graphs

Organizing and saving your studies

See Chapter 5 to view measurements with QuestSuite Professional II

5.Develop corrective actions.

Engineering: redesign tools, implement changes in workstation

Administrative: job sharing/rotations, redefinition of job functions, reduce duration operating tool/equipment, and/or implement medical surveillance

053-644, Rev E

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eg4 & eg3

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3M eg4 Setting-up your dosimeter parameters for your noise studies, Running your studies, View your results via QSP-II