The following status information is displayed from the System Status Screen:
Status Displayed | *(True Condition) | Input | Output |
ECO | Outlet temperature too high | open | - - - - |
LW/CO | Water Level low | open | - - - - |
Blk Flue | Flue blocked | open | - - - - |
Flow | Water flowing | closed | - - - - |
Low Gas | Gas pressure low | open | - - - - |
Tstat | Thermostat requesting heat | closed | - - - - |
Hi Limit | Outlet temp exceeds High Limit setpoint | - - - - | - - - - |
Pump | Pump output activated | - - - - | On |
IRI Gas Pwr | IRI output relay activated | - - - - | On |
IRI Gas | IRI Gas Valve on | closed | - - - - |
Pwr Vent | Power Vent running | closed | - - - - |
Alarm | Alarm output activated | - - - - | On |
Pwr Vent Pwr | Power Vent output relay activated | - - - - | On |
| - - - - STAGES 1 to 2 - - - - |
BlwHi Prv | Blower pressure sufficient | closed | - - - - |
Blw Hi | Blower High output activated | - - - - | On |
BlwLo Prv | Blower pressure sufficient (not used at this time) | closed | - - - - |
Blw Lo | Blower low output activated (not used at this time) | - - - - | On |
Ignt Cur | Igniter current sufficient for ignition | - - - - | - - - - |
Ignit | Igniter output is activated | - - - - | On |
Gas Relay | Gas output relay activated | - - - - | On |
Hi Gas | Gas pressure too high | open | - - - - |
Flame | Flame detected | - - - - | - - - - |
•Menu Screen:
Displayed when the user presses the "Menu" key. This screen is the selection point for the other 9 screens.
•Temperature Screen:
Displays the sensed temperatures of the Outlet, Inlet, and Tank probes. Also displayed is the calculated Delta T (Outlet minus Inlet) for the system. Shorted ("Short") and disconnected
•System Status Screen:
This screen is used to view the status of switch inputs and output states. An asterisk (*) is displayed next to the label when the status is "True" (the description is fulfilled). For example, if water is flowing, or detected by the flow sensor, then an "*" will appear in front of the Flow label (i.e. *Flow). Another example would be the ECO switch. If the outlet temperature is too high the display will show: *ECO.
NOTE: The LWCO, IRI Gas Valve, Powered Vent, High Gas, and Low Gas inputs are optional inputs. Flame sensing, Igniters, and Blowers are optional on Stages 2, 3 and 4. (Except on a
The System monitors the inputs at these times:
•ECO, LWCO, Blocked Flue, Low Gas, Hi Limit, and Hi Gas - at all times for a fault condition.
•Tstat - at all times for open/closed conditions.
•IRI Gas and Powered Vent - for an on condition when their outputs (Pump, IRI Gas Pwr, Powered Vent Power) are turned on and an off condition at all other times.
•Flow - for an on condition when the pump is on (no check for off state)
•Blower Prover - when the Blower is on.
•Igniter Current - for an on condition approximately 18 seconds
after the Igniter is turned on until the igniter is turned off and an off condition at all other times.
•Flame - for an on condition approximately 5 seconds after the gas valve is turned on until the valve is turned off and at all other times for an off condition.
Control Status Screen:
Displays the status that the CCB and FCB micros are in. The CCB has 5 possible states and the FCB's have 9. The normal CCB states sequence is to move from Idle, to
Description of CCB control states:
The yellow "Standby" LED is turned on and the system waits for a heat request (determined by the Thermostat or controlling probe inputs). All outputs are off in this state except that if the
The yellow LED is turned off and the green "Running" LED is turned on. The green LED will remain on for all other states except the fault states. If enabled the powered vent and the IRI gas valve are turned on. A command is sent to all active stages to cold purge the system. Cold purging clears out any combustion gas that may be in the combustion chamber. When purging is complete the system moves to the Heat State.
•Heat Stages
The system will command the FCB micros to start their heat sequence starting with stage 1. Stage 2, 3, 4 will be activated in order based on an algorithm that determines how much heat is needed. The system will remain in this state until the heat request is satisfied, the Tstat is opened, or a fault occurs.