Aastra Telecom 480I manual Making Calls, Dialing a Number Live

Models: 480I

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Making Calls

Depending upon how you have set the Live DialPad option in your phone, your phone will either dial the digits as soon as they are pressed or collect the digits on the screen before dialing.

See the section “Customizing your phone” in the Aastra 480i Installation Guide for more information on how to configure the Live DialPad option.

Note: If you are unable to make calls within certain area codes, check with your system administrator for any toll restrictions placed on your extension that may restrict your access to long distance area codes or dialling prefixes.

You can make a call by either:

Lifting the handset (the phone will automatically select the next open line/call appearance) and then entering the number.

Pressing the d/fbutton and then entering the number.

Pressing a line/call appearance button and then entering the number.

Or if you are pre-dialling the number, by entering the number and then pressing


Dial softkey, the / button or￿￿￿￿one of the four line/call appearance hard keys.

Dialing a Number Live

12480i IP Phone User Guide

If the Live DialPad option is on, as soon as you press the first digit on the dial pad the phone will automatically￿￿￿￿￿￿￿select￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿the next available line, go off-hook and dial as digits are pressed.

Pre-￿￿￿￿￿dialing￿￿￿￿a Number ￿￿￿￿

You can also make a call by pre-dialling a number. Pre-dialling lets you view a number before you dial. Use the Backspace softkey to correct any errors.

Using Handsfree Speakerphone

The handsfree feature allows you to speak to someone without using the handset or headset. Your phone must be in either the speaker or speaker/headset audio mode. For more information on how to set this audio option in your phone,

see the section “Customizing Your Phone” in the Aastra 480i Installation Guide.

To dial using handsfree, first press dand enter a number at the dial tone.

To answer a call on the

480i phone using handsfree, press dor the line/call appearance button.

If in speaker audio mode, press dto switch between handsfree and handset.

If in speaker/headset audio mode, press dto switch between handsfree and headset.

When the handset is on

Making Calls

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Aastra Telecom 480I manual Making Calls, Dialing a Number Live