Left Button
Right Button
Execution | Click | Tap twice (at the same |
| twice | speed as double- |
| quickly | clicking the mouse |
| button) |
Selection | Click once | Tap once |
Drag | Click and | Tap twice (at the same |
| hold, then | speed as double- |
| use finger | clicking the mouse |
| to drag | button) and hold finger |
| the cursor | to the touchpad on the |
| on the | second tap to drag the |
| touchpad | cursor |
Access |
| Click |
context |
| once |
menu |
Note: Keep your fingers dry and clean when using the touchpad. Also keep the touchpad dry and clean. The touchpad is sensitive to finger movements. Hence, the lighter the touch, the better the response. Tapping too hard will not increase the touchpad’s responsiveness.
Chapter 1 Getting Familiar with your Computer | 17 |