Extended BIOS Translation is used only with MS-DOS 5.0 or above. You do not need to enable this option if you are using another operating system such as NetWare, OS/s, Windows NT, or UNIX.
When you partition a disk larger than 1 GByte, use the MS-DOS disk utility as you normally would. Because the cylinder size increases to 8 Mbytes under extended translation, the partition size you choose must be a multiple of 8Mbytes. If you request a size that is not a multiple of 8MBytes, fdisk rounds up to the nearest whole multiple of 8MBytes.
nDisplay <Ctrl-A> Message during BIOS Initialization – This option determines whether the Press <Ctrl> <A> for SCSISelect ™ Utility message appears on your screen during system boot up. The default setting is Enabled. If this setting is disabled, you can still invoke the SCSISelect utility by pressing <Ctrl> <A> after the host adapter BIOS banner appears.
nMultiple LUN Support – This option determines whether booting from a SCSI device that has multiple LUNs is supported. The default setting is Disabled. Enable this option if your boot device has multiple LUNs.
nSupport for Ultra SCSI Speed – This option determines whether the host adapter supports the fast transfer rates (13.4, 16,20.0) of Ultra SCSI devices. The default setting is Disabled.
Using SCSISelect Menus
SCSISelect menus list options you can select. To select an option, use the- and¯ keys to move the cursor to the option, then press Enter.
Chapter 6 SCSI Setup and Configurations 77