J. SAIL SWITCH (Gas and Electric Models Only)
The sail switch is located on the front of the
burner box for gas dryers on the right side of
the oven assembly for electric dryers. A sail
switch consists of a round damper plate on a
lever arm which is in contact with an electric
switch. When the air blower comes on, it draws
air through the gas or electric burner. This
creates a negative pressure inside the burner
box, and this negative pressure pulls in the
round damper and activates the sail switch. If
there is improper airflow, the damper will not
pull in, preventing the burner from coming on.
Improper airflow can be caused by improperly
designed exhaust ducting where the duct run
is too long or has too many sharp bends in it.
It can also be caused by a lack of make-up air.
K. HI-LIMIT (Gas and Electric Models Only)
A hi-limit thermostat is located at the burner. This is an manual
reset disc-type thermostat set at 330º F (166º C) for gas dryers
and at 290º F (143º C) for electric dryers. If the flame in the
burner should get too hot, this thermostat will shut off the burner.
This is generally caused by low airflow through the dryer.
This is located inside the dryer in the lint compartment
above the lint screen. This thermostat senses the
heated air after it passes through the tumbler (basket).
If the air temperature gets too hot, the thermostat
will shut off the burner. The dryer will not run until
the air temperature cools down. At this time, the
manual reset thermostat must be reset manually or
the 24 VAC burner circuit will never be completed.
Tumbler (Basket) and blower will run but the dryer
will not heat. If the temperature sensor opens the
display will read “TEMP SENSOR FAIL CHECK
TEMP SENSOR FUSE” with an audio indication. If
the thermostat opens the display will read “dRUM
SAFETY FAIL” with an audio indication.