
Viewing Status



Monitor LTU Interface Screen

At the Monitor menu (Figure 30), type L to display the Monitor LTU Interface screen (Figure 31). Table 25 describes the fields displayed in the Monitor LTU and Monitor NTU Interface screens.

Figure 31. Monitor LTU Interface Screen

Table 25. Fields Displayed in Monitor LTU and Monitor NTU Interface Screens






G.703 Port



Errored Seconds (ES)

The number of one-second intervals in which at least one bipolar violation (BPV) or one CRC-4

24 Hour Count

error was detected at the G.703 input port during the last 24hours.

Severely Errored Seconds (SES)

The number of one second intervals during which a Loss of Signal (LOS), an Alarm Indication

24 Hour Count

Signal (AIS), or a Loss of Frame (or CRC-4 Multiframe) Alignment (LFA) occurred at the incoming



Unavailable Seconds (UAS)

The number of seconds that G.703 input signals were unavailable during the last 24 hours. After

24 Hour Count

ten consecutive SESs, the system is deemed unavailable, and the current UAS counter begins


counting from ten. After ten consecutive non-SESs, the system returns to availability, and the ten


counts representing the non-SESs are removed from the UAS counter.

CRC Errored Seconds

The number of CRC-4 errors that were detected at the G.703 port since error counters were last


cleared. Turning CRC-4 mode on (ENA) and off (DIS) clears the CRC-4 error counter.

Bipolar Violation Seconds

The number of seconds in which bipolar violations were detected at the G.703 port since error


counters were last cleared.

Clear 24-Hour History

The date and time that the 24-hour histories were last cleared are displayed here. Enable this


function by pressing L or ENTER to clear all 24-hour history counters (including HDSL). This


action must be confirmed by pressing Y .



UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1

August 9, 2002