Abbreviations | |
AIS | Alarm Indication Signal | LL | Local Loopback |
ALM | Alarm | LOC | Local |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute | LOC | Loss of Clock |
AWG | American Wire Gage | LOSW | Loss of Sync Word |
BER | Bit Error Rate | LPBK | Loopback |
C | Centigrade | LTU | Line Termination Unit |
COM | Communication | M34F | |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check | MAR | Margin |
CTS | Clear To Send | Mbps | Megabits per second |
D15F | MHz | Megahertz | |
D25F | mm | millimeter | |
D9F | NC | Normally Closed | |
Decibel | NO | Normally Open | |
DCE | Data Communications Equipment | NTU | Network Termination Unit |
Det | Detector | NVRAM | |
dnl | Download | Nx64k | Number (N) of 64 kbps DS0 time slots |
| mapped to a data port. |
DS0 | Digital Service, Level 0 (64 kbps) | Op | Operation |
DSR | Data Set Ready | PFO | Power Feed Open |
DTE | Data Terminal Equipment | PFS | Power Feed Short |
DTR | Data Terminal Ready | ppm | pulse per minute |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compliance | PRBS | Pseudorandom Bit Sequence |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference | RAM | Random Access Memory |
EMS | Exchange Office Management Shelf | REM | Remote |
EMU | Exchange Office Management Unit | Remote Loopback | |
Errored Second | RLSD | Received Line Signal Detector | |
ETR | ETSI Technical Report | RTS | Ready to Send |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards | S/W | Software |
| Institute |
ETU | ETSI Termination Unit | SD | Transmit Data |
EXT | External | ST | Send Timing |
H/W | Hardware | SYNC | Synchronization |
HDSL | TM | Test Mode | |
Hz | Hertz | TT | Terminal Timing |
I/F | Interface | UAS | Unavailable Seconds |
ID | Identification | UTU | Universal Termination Unit |
INT | Internal | V | Volts |
kbps | kilobytes per second | Vdc | Volts direct current |
km | kilometers | VT100 | A |
LED | Light Emitting Diode | W | Watts |
70 | August 9, 2002 |