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Monitor HDSL Span 1 Screen

The HDSL Span 1 screen (Figure 33) displays the circuit performance and 24-hour error counts at the HDSL span 1 interface. A span is defined as the link between two HDSL units (that is, from an LTU to an NTU) which, in this case, is comprised of a single loop (that is, one twisted-copper pair). The values under the LTU-1 column represent HDSL Span 1 as measured by the LTU. The values under the NTU-1 column represent HDSL Span 1 as measured by the NTU.

At the Monitor menu (Figure 30), type 1 to select the Monitor HDSL Span 1 screen (Figure 33). The fields displayed in the Monitor HDSL Span 1 screen are described in Table 26.


Figure 33. Monitor HDSL Span 1 Screen


Table 26. Fields in Monitor HDSL Span 1 Screen







Current Margin (dB) (MAR)

Indicates the excess signal-to-noise ratio relative to a 10-7bit error rate. The normal range of


a typical margin is from 6 to 22 dB, with a value of 6 dB corresponding to a predicted BER of 10-10.

Low Margin (dB)

Indicates the lowest margin since startup or the last 24-hour history clear.

High Margin (dB)

Indicates the highest margin since startup or the last 24-hour history clear.

Pulse Attenuation (dB)

Indicates the attenuation of the 2B1Q pulse from the distant end. This value is related to the cable


pair’s loss at 292 KHz. The normal range of pulse attenuation is from 1 to 41 dB.

Errored Seconds (ES)

The number of one-second intervals in which at least one HDSL CRC-6 error or loss of Sync Word


(LOSW) was detected on the HDSL span during the last 24 hours.

Unavailable Seconds (UAS)

The number of seconds that the HDSL span was down during the last 24 hours.

HDSL Tip/Ring Reversal

Indicates whether the two conductors of the HDSL span are correctly connected or have been


interchanged. The system automatically compensates for an interchange of wire leads.

Clear 24-Hour History

The date and time that the 24-hour histories were last cleared are displayed here. Enable this


function by pressing L or ENTER to clear all 24-hour history counters (including HDSL). This


action must be confirmed by pressing Y .

UTU-701 and ETU-751 List 1

August 9, 2002