ADAM-5560 Series User Manual 150
6.1 Advantech Utilities
There are four Advantech utilities which are pre-installed on ADAM-5560 Series Con-
troller. The major functions are as below.
Adam.NET Utility: CE version of ADAM Utility for configuring ADAM-5560 Series
Local ADAM-5560 I/O Modules, ADAM-4000 Remote I/O Modules, ADAM-6000 and
ADAM-5560/TCP Ethernet I/O Modules. Most of the functions are mentioned in
Chapter 3 and Chapter 5.
Configuration Utility: Configure Auto-startup Programs, Web Server Root Directory
and Watchdog Timer, etc. Chapter 4 has mentioned how to configure Auto-startup
Touchscreen Configure Utility: Configure the pre-installed touch screen driver.
Please refer to section 7.3.
Version Information: Record installed software programs with respective version
information. Chapter 4 has an example for reference.
All the utilities can be run by following path.