3.3Multiprog Installation
Following will guide you how to setup Multiprog
1.Please use your web browser to visit Advantech web site. (www.advan- tech.com)
3.Enter the "Utility" category in the download page.
4.Advantech provide customer a 30 days free trial version Multiprog with full func- tion support. You can download it directly from the web site or from the FTP site.
5.After download all the software package from the web site, please follow the instructions to install them one by one to setup the development environment.
6.Please contact your sales representative to buy the license, Advantech will send you a letter with registration code.
3.4Create a Project and Test the System
In following demonstration, a simple project of performing DI and DO function by lad- der diagram is shown. After finish this section, you can ensure the system is work- able.
1.Open Advantech Multiprog by clicking Multiprog item.
Chapter 3 Quick Start
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