Swap Floppy Drive
When enabled, allows you to switch the order in which the operating system accesses the floppy drives during
The options are: Disabled (Default), Enabled.
Boot Up Floppy Seek
When enabled, assigns the BIOS to perform floppy disk drive tests by issuing seek commands. Note that such tests are
The options are: Enabled (Default), Disabled.
Boot Up NumLock Status
When set to "On", allows the BIOS to automatically enable the NumLock function when the system boots up.
The options are: On (Default), Off.
Typematic Rate Setting
The term typematic means that when a keyboard key is held down, the character is repeatedly entered until the key is released. When this item is enabled, you may change the typematic repeat rate.
The options are: Disabled (Default), Enabled.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
Sets the rate of a character repeat when the key is held down. The options are: 6 (Default), 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30.
Typematic Delay (msec)
Sets the delay time before a character is repeated.
The options are: 250 (Default), 500, 750, 1000 milliseconds.
Chapter 9 Award BIOS Setup | 1 1 1 |