Getting Started
Enter/Output Statements
The programming statements you use to operate your supply from remote depend on your computer and its language. In
particular, you need to know the statements your computer uses to output and enter information. For example, the Agilent
BASIC language statement that addresses the power supply to listen and sends the command to the power supply is:
The Agilent BASIC language statement that addresses the power supply to talk and reads back data from the power supply
The supply’s front panel ADDR annunciator is on when the supply is addressed to talk or to listen.
Reading the GP-IB Address
Before you can operate your power supply remotely, you need to know its GP-IB address. The address was displayed
during the power on sequence described in page 36. To see the address, press:
A typical address display is shown in Figure 3-6:
Figure 3-6. Typical Address Display
The displayed response is the power supply’s GP-IB address. When sending a remote command, you append this address to
the computer’s GP-IB interface select code (normally 7). For example, if the select code is 7 and the power supply’s GP-IB
address is 5, the combination is 705.
Changing the GP-IB Address
Note All examples in this discussion assume a GP-IB address of 5. It is recommended that you retain this
address to simplify programming.
Every device on the GP-IB must have an address. The supply’s address is factory set to decimal 5. Any address from 0
through 30 is a valid address. If you need to change the Agilent 662xA Supply’s address press:
You can now enter a new address. For example, press:
You have now changed the address from 5 to 14. If you want to change the address back to 5, repeat the above procedure
but use 5 instead of 14 in the last step. Note that the address is stored in the power supply’s non-volatile memory and
therefore will be retained through interruption of the ac line power.