Transporting Safety Instructions and Practices
Be particularly careful when transporting the Implement with the Tractor. Turn curves or go up hills only at a low speed and using a gradual steering angle. Rear mounted implements move the center of gravity to the rear and remove weight from the front wheels. Make certain, by adding front ballast, that at least 20% of the tractor’s weight is on the front wheels to prevent rearing up, loss of steering control or Tractor
Allow sufficient clearance for the Implement to swing outward while turning. Implements carried behind the Tractor will swing outside the tire path when making turns. Contacting a solid object while turning will cause equipment damage and possible injury.
Make certain that the “Slow Moving Vehicle” (SMV) sign is installed in such a way as to be clearly visible and legible. When transporting the Equipment use the Tractor flashing warning lights and follow all local traffic regulations.
RX96 03/09 | Safety Section |
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.