Editing Beep Prompt Frequency
This option allows you to choose how often you hear the au- dible “ping” tone and voice prompt as you follow your route.
1.From the Guidance Setup screen, highlight the box next to “Beep Prompt”. Press ENTER. Four options appear: Off, Min, Norm, and Max.
•When set to the “Off” mode, no tones or voice prompts will be emitted throughout your route.
•When set to the “Min” (minimum) mode, the system will emit only tones when approaching upcoming ma- neuvers.
•When set to the “Norm” (normal) mode, you will hear a “ping” tone followed by a voice prompt when ap- proaching upcoming maneuvers. Voice instructions occur
•When set to the “Max” (maximum) mode, you will hear a “ping” tone followed by a voice prompt and a “ping” tone again when approaching upcoming ma-
neuvers. Voice instructions occur
2. Highlight the desired setting and press ENTER.
NOTE: To adjust navigation volume turn the volume knob during voice guidance.
Setting Guidance Map Display
You can choose the type of map you wish to view when driv- ing to your destination: “Map”, “Arrow”, or “Both”:
•If you choose “Map”, the system will display the Map screen at all times.
•If you choose “Arrow”, the system will display the Arrow screen at all times.
•If you choose “Both”, the system will display the Arrow screen near a maneuver then return to the Map screen af- ter the maneuver.
To change the map display properties, highlight the desired option and press ENTER.