Turn Wireless Off — turns the Whispernet connection off. If you turn wireless off, you will not be able to access the Kindle Store.
Kindle Storefront — takes you to the Kindle Storefront.
Books — displays the books currently available in the Kindle Store.
Newspapers — displays the newspapers currently available in the Kindle Store.
Magazines — displays the magazines currently available in the Kindle Store.
Blogs — displays the blogs currently available in the Kindle Store.
Top Sellers — displays a list of Amazon best sellers. Outside the U.S., Kindle with international wireless will display Kindle Best Sellers instead.
New & Noteworthy — displays a list of new or noteworthy content on the Kindle Store. Outside the U.S., Kindle with international wireless will display Kindle Best Sellers instead.
Recommended for You — displays items recommended for you by Amazon based on your previous digital and physical purchases.
“Save For Later” Items — displays items you have previously noted as something that might be of interest to you.
Another way to find reading material in the Kindle Store is to browse through the different content categories such as books or newspapers. Once inside a category, you can further refine your browse by topic. For example, within “Books,” you can refine listings to “Fiction,” “Nonfiction,” “Advice &
KINDLE USER’S GUIDE 4th EDITION | Chapter 5 · 85 |