Programming the Delta System
38 Delta Series Audio Controllers
When Label is selected, the first letter in the IR command label will begin flashing (FIG. 35):
Nav UP will display the next letter in the alphabet
Nav DOWN will display the previous letter in the alphabet
Nav RIGHT will move to the next character in the command label (you can only scroll
forward, you cannot scroll backward)
Nav LEFT will DELETE the character currently in focus, in the command label
Nav CENTER will save the room label and stop the characters from flashing
The characters are all upper case or numeric.
There is also a “space” character.
There are no “special” characters such as !@#$%^&*(){}-+?.
Also, there are no options to input lower case characters.
FIG. 34 Label Selection
FIG. 35 Labeling IR Commands
Nav. LEFT will replace the character with a “space”. The next character = “1”, while
the previous character = Z