Programming the Delta System
Delta Series Audio Controllers
IR FULL (All memory for storing IR codes has been used). Pressing [OK] returns the user
to the same IR command to be re-learned (FIG. 32).
If a command is NOT learned, i.e. IR FULL, IR not taught…, IR 0 percent sure, clicking OK
will return the user to the same IR command so that it can be re-learned.
Once all IR codes have been learned for the Source type, the user will be returned to the Select
Source for Programming screen where they can either select another source to program, or
Exit the screen.
If the command is learned sufficiently or you want to test it out to be sure, select TEST from the menu
and determine if Delta correctly emulates the command. If so, the source component should perform the
same function as what you entered from the remote for that command in the previous step.The default
command is YES (FIG. 33).
Pressing [YES] takes user to next IR command to be learned.
Pressing [NO] returns user to same IR command to be relearned.

Labeling IR Commands

At any time during the programming sequence you will have the opportunity to label that command. If
the selection Label is displayed then you have that option, but if it is not displayed, it is a common
command name that does not require labeling. The Label selection will appear and function if it is one
of the following commands (FIG. 34):
(kp UP)
(kp DOWN)
(kp LEFT)
(kp RIGHT)
(kp CENTER hold)
FIG. 33 IR Tested OK? (default = YES)