Programming the Delta System
36 Delta Series Audio Controllers
Label allows customization of the labels for the IR commands that relate to the keypad
(USER DEF2). Some commands cannot be relabeled.
Quit returns user to Select Source for Programming screen.
When an IR command is taught to Delta, there is an indication that appears on the Controller screen with
an option to test the command. This message indicates the success (or failure) of the command learning.
Please take the time to understand what Delta is telling you!
One of the following messages will appear:
IR not taught – Error Code # - This means that the command was not received, was
incomplete or could not be learned. Pressing [OK] returns the user to the same IR command
to be re-learned (FIG. 28).
IR OK – 99 percent sure - This means that more than 2 commands were received. That’s
more or less the ideal response you’d like to see from Delta. Pressing [OK] takes user to next
IR command to be learned (FIG. 29).
IR OK – 75 percent sure - (2 commands were received). Pressing [OK] takes user to next IR
command to be learned (FIG. 30).
IR OK – 50 percent sure - (1 command was received). Pressing [OK] takes user to next IR
command to be learned (FIG. 31).
FIG. 28 IR not taught – Error Code #
FIG. 29 IR OK – 99 percent sure
FIG. 30 IR OK – 75 percent sure
If the screen displays “99 Percent Sure” it does not mean that it’s going to be twice as
reliable as a command that returned a “50 Percent Sure” screen. The command learn
screen simply tells you what type of command Delta learned, not how reliable the
command will re-transmit.
FIG. 31 IR OK – 50 percent sure