MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set Using the Script Menu
5. Press the [Extended] soft key to display more detailed test results. As opposed to
the summary screen shown above, the extended screens are specific to each of the
test scenarios. For example, if a test is performed at high, medium, and low
frequencies, with hopping both on and off, there would be six extended screens. An
example of the first extended screen for the maximum input test is shown below.
6. Page through the extended screens with the soft key in the normal manner, or press
the [Summary] soft key to revert to the initial summary page.
FER due to
Displays the number of packets returned where the payload length of the
packet was incorrect. This will also result in a CRC error. These packets are
used in BER calculations.
FER due to
lost packets
A lost packet will result from the MT8850A/MT8852A:
Not recognising the sync word header as being correct.
The packet fails the Header Error Correction (HEC)
No packet received at all during the expected time slot.
NACK packet is received.
These packets are not used in BER calculations.
Null packet mode
This test cannot be performed in null packet mode.
Single payload mode
This test cannot be performed in single payload mode.
8-52 13000-000109
Viewing Test Results June 2003