Using the Script Menu MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set
Modulation Index Test (Standard Mode) This test measures the modulation characteristics on the EUT output for each of the
frequency ranges selected (LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH). The MT8850A/MT8852A can
perform the test using either loopback test controls or TX test controls. The default form
for this test is to use loopback. The following test is described using the default test
The MT8850A/MT8852A transmits a number of packets containing the four ones four
zeros payload (11110000), which are looped back by the EUT. Then packets with the
alternate ones and zeros (101010101) payload are transmitted and are looped back by the
EUT. These packets are the longest supported packet type as reported by the EUT during
link set up (DH1, DH3 or DH5) or the selected packet type.
This test is performed with hopping off, and the test is repeated until the number of
packets has been measured on each of the selected frequencies as set in the “Number of
packets” field. The LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH frequencies relate to the default frequencies
specified in the Bluetooth RF test specification. The MT8850A/MT8852A allows all the
frequencies to be changed.
When the test is performed in TX test mode EUT transmitter and receiver frequencies
must be the same.
1. Choose “Modulation index” from the Script menu.
2. Press the key to select or deselect this test from the script routine.
If a test is selected, the box will be filled in. If not selected the box will be hollow.
3. Press the
[Setup] soft key.
The Modulation index test conditions screens are displayed.
You can change the number of cycles, the test type and packet type.
4. Choose “Number of packets”.
5. Enter the value using the keypad.
6. Choose “Test type”.
7. Press the key to switch between Loopback and TX.
8. Choose “Packet type”.
9. Press the key to switch between Longest, DH1, DH3 or DH5.
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June 2003 Testing in Standard Script Mode