MT8850A / MT8852A Bluetooth Test Set Product Overview
MT8850A/MT8852A Features Three test modes •
• Standard mode in which the MT8850A/MT8852A uses full Test Mode signalling
and all the defined test controls to test the EUT in the fastest and most efficient
way possible.
• Single payload mode in which Test Mode signalling is performed in a very
restricted manner. The customer can define the packet length, packet payload,
select loopback or TX mode and hopping on or off.
• Null packet mode enables measurements to be made on EUTs that do not have
test mode support, by performing a limited subset of measurements on packets
without payloads. None of these measurements are performed in accordance
with the Bluetooth test specifications.
Keep your production lines flowing with the rapid “Quick Test” measurement script.
Production test scripts can run in as little as 10 seconds, measuring power, frequency,
modulation and receiver sensitivity (BER).
One touch testing
Once the MT8850A/MT8852A has been configured, each device is tested with a
single keystroke. Press Run to initiate a link, activate Test Mode, perform the
measurements and report the results.
Under standard operation, tests are made exactly as defined in the Bluetooth RF Test
Specification. All measurements are traceable to National Standards so that you can
be totally confident in both your production testing and design proving.
Reference Bluetooth transceiver
A custom design transceiver offers <1 kHz frequency accuracy at the start of any
packet and full compliance with the requirements for the “Dirty Transmitter” for true
receiver sensitivity measurements. In addition to the standard dirty transmitter table,
you can define customized stress conditions with user settable values of Carrier
Frequency Offset, Modulation Index, Symbol Timing Error and simulated carrier
frequency drift.
Remote control
Both GPIB and RS232 interfaces are offered as standard. Creating test programs has
been simplified by the ability to send single commands for initiating a test and
returning all results in a single string.
Small size and weight
MT8850A/MT8852A takes up minimal space in your test system thanks to its half rack
size and low weight. Where Bluetooth interfaces are being introduced into existing
products, the disturbance to the test system is minimized.
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The MT8850A/MT8852A June 2003