Options (cont.)
Empty cubicles
Cubicles may be supplied empty, thus enabling users to make up their own auxiliary cubicles (battery cubicles or other) or panels and meet the particular demands of each installation. In this way, the entire electrical installation will have a uniform appearance.
The following cubicles are available:
◗battery cubicles, 815 and 1015 mm wide, 1.4 and 1.9 meters high;
◗auxiliary cubicles, 815 mm wide, 1.4 and 1.9 meters high.
Electrical supervision
"Teleservice" is a contract offering continuous remote supervision and maintenance of UPS systems via a modem.
GTC board
This electronic board provides user access to the
GTC + software
The user has access to the
Management of computer networks
Integrated SNMP agent
This electronic board, installed in the UPS system, enables direct connection to all Ethernet networks using TCP/IP. The UPSs may then be supervised via the computer network. Furthermore, they can be used to close system files without having to add an external SNMP agent.
This board is fully compatible with "Solution PacTM" software.
The RJ45 connector of the communications option delivers information using the SNMP protocol. The sticker located on the board indicates the UPS MAC address.
◗your MAC address is written in the following way : 0080C8 ZZ XX YY ;
◗your default IP address is 168.8.xx.yy (xx and yy are
decimal values of XX and YY).
For example, MAC address 00 80 C8 AB AA 01 is related to IP address
Please refer to the "userman.doc" user manual contained in the directory "emb/galaxy/snmp/ release3.xx" of the
Please contact your sales representative for more detailed information.
Two-channel network board
This electronic board comprises two ports, each of which may be user set, either for the
Relay contacts may be used for specific network applications (IBM AS400, Novell, etc.).