USER’S GUIDE switched rack pdu
–Define the system Name, Contact, and Location values
–Set the date and time used by the PDU
–Restart the Switched Rack PDU
–Reset control console settings to default settings
–Define the URL addresses of the user links and APC logo links in the Web interface, as described in Links menu
Help menu
When you click Help, the Contents for all of the online help is displayed. However, from any Web interface pages, you can use the question mark (?) in the quick status bar to link to the section of the online help for that page.
The Help menu also has an About System option you can use to view the Model Number, Serial Number, Hardware Revision, Manufacture Date, MAC Address, Application Module, APC OS (AOS) Module of the Switched Rack PDU, and the date and time each of the two modules were created.
In the control console, the About System option, which is a System menu option, has the Flash Type value.