AFP Apple Filing Protocol. A client/server protocol used by Apple file service to share files and network services. AFP uses TCP/IP and other protocols to support communication between computers on a network.
address A number or other identifier that uniquely identifies a computer on a network, a block of data stored on a disk, or a location in a computer’s memory. See also IP address, MAC address.
administrator A user with server or directory domain administration privileges. Administrators are always members of the predefined “admin” group.
alias Another email address at your domain that redirects incoming email to an existing user.
Apple Filing Protocol See AFP.
automount To make a share point appear automatically on a client computer. See also mount.
bit A single piece of information, with a value of either 0 or 1.
Bonjour A protocol developed by Apple for automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services on IP networks. Formerly called Rendezvous, this proposed Internet standard protocol is sometimes referred to as ZeroConf or multicast DNS.
CIFS Common Internet File System. See SMB.
client A computer (or a user of the computer) that requests data or services from another computer, or server.
command line The text you type at a shell prompt when using a