ÂGeneral. Use to set host domains, SSL certificate, authentication method, and XMPP
ÂLogging. Use to configure message log settings for iChat.
The following sections describe how to configure these settings, and a final section tells you how to start iChat when you finish.
Configuring General Settings
You use the General settings pane in iChat to add host domains, choose an SSL certificate and authentication method, and configure XMPP
To configure iChat General settings:
1Open Server Admin and connect to the server.
2Click the triangle to the left of the server. The list of services appears.
3From the expanded Servers list, select iChat.
4Click Settings, then click General.
5Click the Add (+) button to add host domains.
The Host Domains list designates the domain names you want iChat to support. Initially, the server host name is shown. You can add or remove other names that resolve to the iChat service IP address such as aliases defined in DNS. When starting iChat you must specify a DNS for the service.
Host domains are used to construct Jabber IDs, which identify iChat users. An example of a Jabber ID is nancy@example1.apple.com.
6From the SSL Certificate
The menu lists all SSL certificates that have been installed on the server.
To create or add certificates, choose Manage Certificates from the SSL Certificate pop- up menu.
For more information about increasing server security, see Mac OS X Server Security Configuration. Information about creating and managing server certificates can also be found in Server Administration.
7Choose the method of authentication from the Authentication
Choose Any Method if you want iChat to accept password and Kerberos authentication.
8To permit iChat to communicate with other
Chapter 2 Setting Up and Managing iChat Service