Occasionally you may have problems while working with your Mac Pro. Read on for troubleshooting tips to try when you have a problem. You can also find more troubleshooting information in Help Center or on the Mac Pro Support website at www.apple.com/support/macpro.
When you have a problem with your Mac Pro, there’s usually a simple and quick solution. Think about the conditions that led up to the problem. Making a note of things you did before the problem occurred will help you narrow down possible causes and find the answers you need. Things to note include:
ÂÂ The applications you were using when the problem occurred. Problems that occur only with a specific application may indicate that the application is not compatible with the Mac OS version installed on your computer.
ÂÂ Any software that you recently installed.
ÂÂ Any new hardware (such as memory, graphics or PCI Express cards, hard disk drives) that you installed or peripherals that you connected.
An Ounce of Prevention
If you have a problem with your computer or software, having kept
82Chapter 4 Problem, Meet Solution