this address. The router’s 2nd address, the WAN IP address, is set in Chapter 3 (WAN Types).
Changing the router’s LAN IP address also affects:
•IP address for administration
•DHCP server
To change the address, enter the number and click Apply. You may be asked to
Copy MAC Address
For security reasons, some ISPs will limit your Internet service to a single registered network adapter. This router allows you to mimic the registered network adapter by cloning its hardware (MAC) ad- dress; it’s not just for Apple Macin- tosh computers!
Factory Defaults
Reset all of the router’s settings to the original fac- tory default values. You will need to restart or re- new the IP address for all computers attached to the router.
Tip: You may also reset the router by turning off
the router, holding in the Reset button (on front or back panel of the router) and turning on the power to the router.
Restart Router
Reinitialize the router using the last saved settings. This is similar to turning the router’s power off and on. No settings are changed with this feature. You will need to restart or renew the IP address for all computers attached to the router.
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