Allows selection of the sector addressing mode. The default [Auto] allows automatic detection of an IDE drive. Configuration options: [CHS] [LBA] [Large] [Auto]
• Most of the IDE drive information items are grayed out when the items Primary IDE Master and Access Mode are set to [Auto].
•If you wish to manually configure the IDE drive items, set the Primary IDE Master to [Manual], and the Access Mode to [CHS].
PIO Mode [Auto]Sets the PIO mode for the IDE drive. The settings Mode 0 to 4 allow successive increase in performance. Configuration options: [Auto] [Mode 0] [Mode 1] [Mode 2] [Mode 3] [Mode 4]
UDMA Mode [Auto]When this item is set to [Auto], the UDMA capability allows improved transfer speeds and data integrity for supported IDE drives. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Auto]