













Possible Cause






When I login, the

The certificate’s name

The certificate can be trusted.

browser generates a

is not found on

See Trusted Certificates, page 142,

CA Root certificate is

Microsoft’s list of

for details.

not trusted, or a

Trusted Authorities.



Certificate Error











Some characters I

The keyboard layout

Change the keyboard layout setting

enter from the

setting for the port in

for the port to match the layout of the

keyboard do not

which you are having

keyboard that you are using.

display correctly.

the problem does not

To change the keyboard layout setting:


match the layout of



Open the Port Management


the keyboard that you


are using.


Webpage for the port in which you


In order for all


are having the problem. (See Port



Management, page 67.)


characters to display



correctly, the


In the Keyboard Layout field,


keyboard layout


select the layout of the keyboard


setting for the port


you want to use.


should match the




Click Save.


layout of the keyboard


you are using.

4. If the computer attached to the port




is a Sun server or iMac, or if chang-




ing the keyboard layout setting




doesn’t immediately resolve the




problem, reboot the computer. After




rebooting, the characters you enter




from the keyboard should display








I can’t use the special

The keyboard setting

Change the keyboard setting for the

keys on my Apple

for the port in which

port to match the keyboard that you

(Sun) keyboard to

you are having the

are using.

control Mac (Sun)

problem does not

To change the keyboard setting:


match the keyboard

1. Open the Port Management


that you are using.



Webpage for the port in which you


In order to use the




are having the problem. (See Port


special keys on Apple




Management, page 67.)


(Sun) keyboards to



control Mac (Sun)


In the Keyboard field, select the


computers, the


keyboard you want to use.


keyboard setting for


Click Save.


the port must match


the keyboard you are


Reboot the computer attached to




the port. After rebooting, you




should be able to use the special




keys on your keyboard to control




the computer.