KM0832 User Manual

System Event Reports

The KM0832 can be configured to send an e-mail notification whenever the DHCP server assigns a new IP address to the KM0832. Enable the Mail Notification feature and specify the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server address, information for a valid e-mail account on the server, and the e- mail address of the person to whom the message should be sent.

To enable system event reports:

1.Under System Event Report Settings, click Yes to enable Mail Notifica- tion.

2.Enter the address of the SMTP server.

3.If the SMTP server requires authentication, click Yes to enable SMTP Authentication. If not, skip to Step 6.

4.In the Account Name field, enter the username for a valid e-mail account on the SMTP server entered in Step 2.

5.In the Password field, enter the password for the e-mail account in Step 4.

6.In the From field, enter the e-mail address for the e-mail account in Step 4.

7.In the To field, enter the e-mail address of the person to whom the notification message should be sent.

8.Click Save.