Chapter 3. Logging In
Java Application
To use this application you must have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4.0 or higher installed on the computer that connects to the PN0108. If you don't already have the proper version of Java installed, go to the Java Sun website to download and install the latest JRE.
Windows Setup:
This application makes use of several Java COM support files for Windows. The files can be found on the software CD that came with this package. They must be copied to the appropriate subdirectories under your JRE directory as follows:
1.Copy comm.jar to the JRE \lib\ext directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_06\lib\ext)
2.Copy win32com.dll to the JRE\bin directory
3.Copy javax.comm.properties to the JRE\lib directory
4.Copy the Java Client program (PowerMan.jar) to a convenient location on your PC.