FPSLIC STK594 User Guide 1-1
Rev. 2819A–FPSLI–07/02
Section 1Introduction
The STK594 board is a top module designed to add AT94KFP SLICsupportto the
STK500 development board. With this board the STK500 is extended to support all cur-
rent AT94K FPSLIC devices in a single development environment.
The STK594 includes connectors, jumpers and har dware allowing full utilization of the
new features of the FPSLIC family, see Figure 1-1.
This user guide acts as a general getting started guide as well as a comp lete technical
reference for advanced users.
In addition to adding support for new devi ces, it also adds new support for peripherals
previously not supported by the STK500.An additional RS-232 port and a Two-Wire
Serial Interface are among the new features.


STK594 Top Module for STK500