S y s t e m R e q u i r e m e n t s
To use the print server for printing from a wireless network, you need an 802.11b/g wireless network. The wireless network consists of either of the following:
♦An 802.11b/g wireless enabled computer printing straight to the printer
♦An 802.11b/g wireless access point allowing wireless enabled computers to print to the print server (infrastructure mode).
To configure and print, you need the following information from your wireless network administrator:
♦Wireless Mode (infrastructure or
♦The SSID (service set identifier) for your wireless network.
♦If you are using TCP/IP (recommended for Windows Networks) and are not connected to a server that automatically assigns your IP address, you need to set the printer in Static mode and assign a unique IP address (for example: and a subnet mask. A router (default gateway) address is optional.
♦Wireless security settings
N e t w o r k P r o t o c o l s S u p p o r t e d
Raw TCP/IP (port 9100 or any chosen port) NetBIOS over IP (with SMB)
NetWare (NEST) NetBEUI
9 4 9 3 ™ P r i n t e r H a r d w a r e
To access the Ethernet port, open the hinged door on the side of the printer by loosening the two screws with a Phillips screwdriver.
Ethernet Port