AXIS 231D/232D - System Options 41
(Universal Plug and Play) The Network Dome Camera includes support for UPnP™ in Windows ME and Windows XP. UPnP™ is enabled by default.
Note: UPnP must be installed on your workstation. To do this, open the Control Panel from the Start Menu and select Add/Remove Programs. Select Add/Remove Windows Components and open the Networking Ser- vices section. Click Details and then select UPnP as the service to add. Refer to the Windows help files for more information.
RTP (Multicast)/MPEG-4
These settings are the IP address, port number, and
Ports & devices - I/O Ports
The pinout, interface support and the control and monitoring functions are described in the section on the Connection Module, on page 45.
•Restart - The unit is restarted without changing any of the settings. Use this method if the unit is not behaving as expected.
•Restore - The unit is restarted and most current settings are reset to factory default val- ues. The settings that will not be reset are as follows:
•the boot protocol (DHCP or static)
•the static IP address
•the default router
•the subnet mask
•the system time
•Default - The default button should be used with caution. Pressing this will return all of the network camera's settings to the factory default values (including the IP address).
Dome Status - Click the Test button to check the camera and dome mechanics for errors. Contact Axis Customer Services if you receive an error message as the result of this test.
Upgrade Server - See Upgrading the Firmware, on page 55.
Backup - To take a backup of all of the parameters, and any