28AXIS 223M - Live View Config
•AMC(ActiveX)- This is the best choice for fast image updating in Internet Explorer, but might not be possible on computers that have restriction on the installation of additional software.
•QuickTime - For use with
•Java applet - This alternative uses a Java applet to update the images in the browser.
•Still Image - Displays still images only. Hit the Refresh button in your browser to view a new image.
When using any browser other than Internet Explorer for Windows, select the appropriate method from the for more information.
Viewer settings
Checking the Show viewer toolbar option displays the viewer toolbar under the video stream in your browser.
By checking the Enable
Check the record button option to record the current video stream. The location where the image file is saved can be specified using the AMC Control Panel.
Action Buttons
The manual trigger buttons can be used to manually trigger and stop an event from the Live View page. See Event Configuration, on page 31.
Enabling the display of the Snapshot button allows users to save a snapshot from the video stream by clicking the button. This button is mainly intended for use with browsers other than Internet Explorer for Windows, or when otherwise not using ActiveX to view the video stream. The ActiveX viewing component (AXIS Media Control) for Internet Explorer provides its own snapshot button.