Step2. Select >MAX VOLT by using? and ? key.
Step3. Press Enter key.
Step4. Change the voltage value by using numeric keys 0 to 9 or ? and ? key. Step5. Press Enter key.
Note: After you setting the maximum voltage value, the output voltage setup should be in the range from 0 volt to maximum voltage. The default maximum voltage is the full voltage range of its model.
nInitiating the Output state(>INIT OUT)
This instruction can initiate the output state when the power supply is powered on. If you select ON, the power supply will initiate the output to OFF state when the power supply is powered on. If you select OFF, the output will remain the same state as last time you turned off the power supply
Note: Default selection is ON and the output state is always OFF state.
nInitiating the Output Voltage (>INIT VOLT)
This instruction can set the initial output voltage. If you select ON, the power supply will initiate the output voltage to 0Volt when the power supply is powered on. If you select OFF, the output voltage
will remain as the same volts as the last time you turned off the power supply
Note: Default setting is ON and the output voltage is 0 volt.
nSetting the Key Sound(>KEY SOUND)
This instruction can switch on/off the buzzing sound when you press any key, If you select ON, the buzzer will sound when any key was pressed. If you select OFF, the buzzer will not sound when the keys were pressed.
Note: Default setting is ON; the buzzer will sound when you press any key.
nSetting the Baud Rate(>BAUDRATE)
This instruction can change the communication baud rate for the power supply, the baud rate range is 4800, 9600, 19200 or 38400? Before the communication, you must make sure that there is same baud rate between the power supply and the computer.
Note: Default baud rate is 4800.