Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Switch support Linux?
Yes, the Switch works with Red Hat and other Linux distributions configured
for PS/2 or USB support.
What communication ports does the Switch use so it can
be accessed remotely?
Five ports have to be open to remotely connect to the Switch. Ports 80 and
443 are used for standard web communication. Three consecutive ports are
used to send the remote video. These can be user-defined. By default, ports
900, 901, and 902 are used.
What are the supported video resolutions and
refresh rates?
HzΒΆ56 60 65 66 70 72 73 75 76 85 86
640x480 x x x x x X
720x400 x X
800x600 x x x x X x
1024x768 x xxxxxx
1152x864 x
1152x900 x x
1280x720 x
1280x768 x x
1280x960 x x
1280x1024 x x x x x
1600x1200 x x x x x