C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S E T T I N G S ( C O N T ’ D )
Encryption is required
Enabled only when you check “Passkey is required”. Check this box to enable data encryption when transmitting data.
Send my business card on request
Allows other devices that are able to connect to “pull” your business card information.
Accept all PIM objects sent to me
Allows other devices that are able to connect to send you PIM objects.
Use this contact for my business card
Displays the name being used when you transfer a business card to other Bluetooth devices. The “Browse” button allows you to change business card information by selecting from the full list of contacts in your Pocket PC Outlook database. If an Outlook contact is not available, then the data found in “My Information” of the device is used to form contact information. If the user deletes the contact entry, a runtime message appears the next time you attempt to send a business card.