Programming with DSC
The car radio offers the facility to adjust cer- tain settings and functions to your require- ments and to store these changes with the aid of DSC (Direct Software Control).
The default settings are selected at the fac- tory.
An overview of the factory default settings is provided below for future reference.
To alter a programming setting:
•Press DSC.
Select and adjust the functions described below by means of the rocker and the ENT key. The status of adjustment is shown on the display.
Select function
<< >> Adjust/call up value
ANGLE | Adjust the display to your |
| nates interference from ad- |
| own viewing angle. |
| jacent stations. |
| “SHARX ON” is the factory |
DIM DAY | Select the display bright- |
| default setting. |
| ness for daylight (Stages 1- |
| 9). | HICUT | |
| reduction. |
DIM NIGHT | Select the display bright- |
| Treble frequencies are re- |
| ness for darkness (Stages |
| duced only when interfer- |
| ence is present. Can be se- | |
| The brightness is switched |
| lected from NO HICUT |
| over automatically by the |
| (OFF) to HICUT 3 (strongest |
| headlights. |
| treble reduction). Decide for |
| yourself which setting is the |
ON VOL | Select the initial volume. |
| most pleasant. |
| Use << >> to select the de- |
| sired initial volume. | FM/AM SENS | |
| If “LAST VOL” is selected, |
| Change the sensitivity of the |
| the initial volume is the |
| seek run. |
| same as that last selected. |
| “SENS 1” indicates close re- |
| ception, “SENS 6” distant |
| reception. | |
| Activate/deactivate the dy- |
| Select “SENS 1” if you wish |
| namic volume level display. |
| to receive strong stations in |
| the near range; select |
SHARX | Automatic bandwidth switch- |
| “SENS 6” if you also wish to |
| ing on the FM band. |
| receive weaker, distant sta- |
| Where the station density is |
| tions. |
| high, switch to SHARX ON |
| with << >>: this largely elimi- |