Breville BEM800 Fig And Prune Teacake, Fruit And Honey Slice, Recipes, Ingredients, Method

Models: BEM800

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1 cup/180g chopped, pitted prunes ½ cup/90g chopped figs

2 tablespoons golden syrup ¼ cup/70g brown sugar

1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

1 cup/250ml warmed orange juice

2 cups (300g) wholemeal plain flour, sifted

Crunchy topping:

¼cup brown sugar

¼cup (75g) wholemeal plain flour

¼cup desiccated coconut

¼cup chopped mixed nuts; almonds, walnuts & pecans

50g butter, softened


1.Pre-heat oven to 180ºC.

2.Assemble mixer using scraper beater.

3.Place all topping ingredients into mixing bowl, using Folding/Kneading setting, mix 1 minute or until butter is well combined. Remove from bowl and set aside.

4.Place fruit, golden syrup, brown sugar and bicarbonate of soda into mixing bowl. Pour in orange juice.

5.Using Folding/Kneading setting, mix until ingredients are combined, about 20 seconds.

6.Add wholemeal flour, continue mixing until just combined, about 20 to 30 seconds. Do not over mix.

7.Pour mixture into a lightly greased and base lined 22cm loaf pan.

8.Sprinkle topping ingredients evenly over cake mixture.

9.Bake for 50 -55 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Allow cake to cool in pan for 5 minutes before turning out onto wire rack to cool.


Makes 20-24


200g butter, softened ½ cup caster sugar

1½ cups (225g) wholemeal self-raising flour ½ cup (75g) plain flour


200g dried Fruit Medley, finely chopped

1 tablespoon honey ¾ cup water


1.Pre-heat oven to 180ºC.

2.Assemble mixer using scraper beater.

3.Using Creaming/beating setting, beat butter and sugar until light and creamy, about 3 minutes.

4.Sift flours together.

5.Using Folding/Kneading setting, gradually add sifted flours to creamed mixture until a soft dough forms, about 30 to 40 seconds.

6.Press two-thirds of the mixture, evenly and firmly, into a 20cm x 30cm lamington pan lined with baking paper. Cover and refrigerate.

7.Combine fruit medley, honey and water in a small saucepan. Stir over medium heat until mixture boils. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes or until liquid has almost evaporated. Remove from saucepan and cool.

8.Spread cooled fruit mixture over chilled pastry base. Crumble remaining pastry mixture and sprinkle over fruit filling.

9.Bake for 20-25 minutes or until cooked and light golden.


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Breville BEM800 brochure Fig And Prune Teacake, Fruit And Honey Slice, Recipes, Ingredients, Method