Diverse 4016 Classic ~ Issue 2 ~ 6th Edition ~ 1st March ’02 ~ 4416
Unpacking your
Diverse 4016 Classic
If anything is missing, please contact your place of purchase immediately.
One Diverse 4016
Classic base station
One Diverse 4000 |
Classic handset | 47 | 8 | 9 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 1 | 6 | |
| 5 | |
| 0 |
| R |
One power supply for the base station
For your records
Date of purchase:
Place of purchase:
For guarantee purposes proof of purchase is required so please keep your receipt.
Enter your base station PIN code here:
For more information on your base PIN codes see page 35.
One telephone line cord
Two AA rechargeable batteries
One belt clip
Battery compartment cover
If you experience any difficulties with your Diverse 4016 Classic, please call the BT Diverse Helpline on 08457 908 070.