Chapter 4: Management
The Network Tools function resides on the host platform and allows the user to access and manage network devices. Figure
To access the Network Tools screen, access Local Management, then use the arrow keys to navigate to and highlight the NETWORK TOOLS menu item in the appropriate menu screen and press ENTER. The Network Tools Help screen displays. Refer to the host platform manual for details on accessing Local Management.
Type help at the prompt to list all the commands that are
TIP available for the device in the current operational mode. If help is needed with a specific command, typehelp and the <command>. Use lower case characters when entering commands in Network Tools. Uppercase characters may be specified for some of the options. A command used incorrectly (wrong syntax or case) will prompt a display of the correct usage.
-> help
Commands Available to the User:
Built in Commands:
netstat ping
soft_reset | telnet |
imux | ds1alarm |
dsx1 | dsx3 |
defroute reset
link_trap wanpq
done, quit, or exit - Exit from the Network Tools.
For help with a specific command, type 'help <command>'.
Figure 4-2 Network Tools Help Screen