

A C AltcrnatingcLlrrcntThe.tvpeo1'electricalcurrcnt

a v r i l a b l c I r o n r a w a l l o u t l e t .

Bubble Jet printing

An ink-jcttypeprintingmcthodthatheatsthc ink to theboilingpointto fbrm a huhble. Whenthebubblc

expandsthere. is no room lefi in the nozzlefirr thc ink andthe ink is projectedonto the papcr.

Activity report

. lournal ol'transactionsboth. sent and received .

ADF AutornaticDocumenlFeeclerThe.documenttray orrthcFAXPHONEholdsl0 sheetsof paper.

Auto Halftone

J'hcdocunrcntscttingyoLlusclirrscndingdocuments *rtlr internrecliatetoncs.suchasphotographs.

Automatic dialing

Dilling far ol tclephoncnunrhcrsby pressingone or thrccbuttons.To must fcrl\ter thenurnbcrsin theFAXPHONE'snrernory. Scc also Onc tor-rchSpeedl)ialing. Coded Speed


l)ralingancl. clraling .


-fhc ictrrrsund huttonthat indicateandcontrolhow thc F.\X['FIONEilctcctswhethcra call is lirrn a lax

()fl telephoneWhen. youusetheFAXPHONEu'ith anan\\\'crinsnrachirresct. theANS TJOOKLJPicon on . o thcansueringmachincriill pick up thecalls . \\'henthc N{ANtiAL iconappearsthe.FAXPHONE u ill work asa tclcphoncuntilyou manuallvengage lt t() rcccivca lared docunrent.Whcn no icon ap- perls. thc FAXPHONE,is in automaticmode and u ill usethc FAX/TEL switchingcapabilities.

Auto FA)(ITEL switchi ng

Sr'c['.\X/']'HIswitchinc- .


Bi-d i rect i o na I p ri nti ng



abilitvof theFAXPHONEto printbothleli to

riglrtanrlrightto leli.



r ides a f irst spccd . See also [ . lndirectionalprinting,


Bit' pcr sccond . Relers to thc spccd with which a l'axrlachinc scnds anclrecr'irs tlata .


Trarrsnrittingdocumcrrtsto lrorcthanonelocation {thnrughtheFAXPHONE'snrcrnory) .

CCITT #1 Chart

Atestchart,del'inedby CCITT. uscdto transmissionspeedas well as the transmittittgand receivingmemorycapacityof a f ax r-nachinc.


Formerlyknown as CCITT. ConsultativcCotttrnit- tee for InternationalTelegraphand Telcphonc . CCITT hasbeenrcplacedby the Interrrationalltlc- comnunicationsUnion-TelecommunicationsSector (ITU-TS).a committeecreatedto set intcrnattonal standrrd\lilr telecornmunierlions.


CallingTone. This is a signalscntby lax machtnes to identilythccallasan incorringdocurncntWhen. thereceivingfax autoruaticalll' stafisto receivethefax transmissionThe. nlajorin of fax rnachinesin use todaycan sendand detect CNG signals .

Coded Speed Dialing

An automaticdialingmethodthatallowsvotrto clial a fax or telephonenurnberby pressintthrecbuttolts- ICODEDDIAL/DIRECTORYIanda two-digitcode usingthcnumericbuttons.Youcanregisterup to 50 CodedSpeedDialingnumbersin the FAXPHONE.


The underlinesyntbolyou seeon theLCD r"'hen 1'ou

registernumbersand namesin thc FAXPHONL. Pressthe arow buttonsto rrove the cursor.

Delayed Sending

The ability to scnda documentat a prescttirnetn the I'utureYou. do uot haveto be in yout'olfice ttt

r.rseDelayedSendingto one or more clestinations. (You can sct up only onc delayedtranstnissionat it timeon the I'AXPHONE)

Density control

Asettingthiit darkensor lightensthe scanningo1' documents.

1 1 7

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Canon B540, B550 manual GIossrrry

B550, B540 specifications

The Canon B540 and B550 are part of Canon's innovative line of compact all-in-one printers, designed for small businesses and home offices that require high-quality printing along with advanced features. These printers embody a combination of efficiency, speed, and exceptional print quality, making them standout choices in the competitive printer market.

One of the key features of the Canon B540 and B550 is their impressive print resolution, which allows for sharp and vibrant color outputs. With a resolution of up to 4800 x 1200 dpi, these printers can handle a variety of printing tasks ranging from documents to vivid photographs with ease. This high resolution is complemented by Canon's advanced inkjet technology, which ensures accurate color reproduction and crisp text, making them ideal for professional presentations, reports, and marketing materials.

Another notable characteristic of the B540 and B550 is their multifunctionality. They are equipped with capabilities for printing, scanning, and copying, providing users with versatile solutions in a single device. The user-friendly interface, complete with a touchscreen display, simplifies navigation through various functions, allowing users to easily switch between tasks.

In terms of connectivity, both models support a variety of options including USB, Wi-Fi, and mobile printing functionalities. This feature allows users to print directly from their smartphones or tablets, enhancing convenience and productivity. The printers support popular mobile printing services such as Apple AirPrint and Google Cloud Print, making it easy to print from virtually anywhere.

In addition to their printing prowess, the Canon B540 and B550 are designed with efficiency in mind. They feature automatic duplex printing, which helps save paper and contributes to a more sustainable printing solution. The printers also have fast printing speeds, with the ability to produce documents in as little as 10 seconds, enhancing workflow in busy environments.

Moreover, these printers come with a large-capacity paper tray, which reduces the frequency of paper refills and allows for continuous printing without interruptions. Their compact design makes them suitable for smaller office spaces, while their elegant aesthetics blend seamlessly into any environment.

To summarize, the Canon B540 and B550 printers offer an impressive mix of print quality, multifunctionality, and user-friendly features. With their advanced printing technologies, connectivity options, and efficient performance, these models cater to the needs of both home and business users alike, making them reliable choices for a wide range of printing tasks.