Quick Guide

Reference page numbers are indicated by (✽✽) .

Charge the battery pack.Insert the battery pack.

Connect the power cord to the adapter,

Open the battery chamber cover

1then attach the battery. When the charge

2and slide the battery pack into

lamp stops blinking and stays lit, the battery

position until it locks into place.

is completely charged. A full battery charge

Press the cover closed until it

takes approximately 90 minutes. (22)

clicks shut. (24)

Open the CF card slot5cover.

Slide the cover in the direction shown by the arrow, then open it. (28)

Insert a CF card6(optional).

After inserting the CF card, close the cover. (28)

Using CF cards made by Canon is recommended.

Focus on the subject.

9Look through the viewfinder and place the AF point over the subject. Then press the shutter button down halfway to focus. (29)

The AF point which achieves focus will flash in red.

In low-light conditions or backlit daylight conditions, the built-in flash fires automatically. (86)

Take the shot.

10Pressfully. (the29)shutter button down