Index |
A |
Accessories ........................................... | 138 |
76 | |
AE ......................................................... | 128 |
AEB (Autoexposure bracketing) .............. | 78 |
AE lock ............................................ | 80, 133 |
AF .................................................... | 27,128 |
AF | 39 |
AF Mode ................................................. | 54 |
AF point ................................................... | 57 |
AI Focus AF ............................................ | 56 |
AI Servo AF for moving subjects ............. | 56 |
Aperture value ....................................... | 128 |
Auto power off function ................... | 29, 120 |
Auto reset .............................................. | 114 |
Av ............................................................ | 72 |
B |
Basic Zone ........................................ | 18, 86 |
Battery check .......................................... | 20 |
Battery Life .............................................. | 25 |
Battery pack .................................... | 22, 138 |
Beep ...................................................... | 118 |
86 | |
Flash range ......................................... | 87 |
Flash sync shutter speed, |
aperture value ................................... | 87 |
89 | |
Bulb exposures ....................................... | 83 |
C |
62 | |
CF (CompactFlash) card ... 11, 28, 128, 139 | |
Formatting ................................. | 105, 130 |
Charge lamp ..................................... | 19, 22 |
46 | |
CMOS ............................................... | 2, 115 |
Color temperature ................................... | 65 |
Compact power adapter .................... | 19, 22 |
Compression ratio ................................... | 50 |
Continuous numbering .......................... | 114 |
Continuous shooting ............................... | 63 |
Creative zone .................................... | 18, 86 |
Custom Functions ......................... | 121, 122 |
Custom White Balance ............................ | 66 |
D |
Date printing specification ..................... | 110 |
DC coupler ........................................ |
| 19, 26 | |
Depth of field ................................... |
| 73, 128 | |
Dioptric adjustment ................................. |
| 36 | |
Dioptric adjustment Lens ...................... |
| 138 | |
DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) |
| |
............................................ | 97, 106, 129 | ||
Drive Mode .............................................. |
| 63 | |
E |
Erasing ............................................ |
| 43, 104 | |
Evaluative metering ................................. |
| 63 | |
Exposure ............................................... |
| 129 | |
Exposure compensation setting .............. | 77 | ||
Exposure warnings ............................... |
| 132 | |
Eyepiece cover .................................. |
| 21, 82 | |
F |
FEB (Flash Exposure Bracketing) ........... | 94 | ||
FE lock .............................................. |
| 90, 95 | |
File numbers ................................. | 114, 129 | ||
Flash exposure compensation .......... |
| 91, 95 | |
Flash photography ............................ |
| 39, 85 | |
Focus confirmation light .......................... |
| 17 | |
Focus lock ............................................... |
| 58 | |
Formatting ..................................... | 105, 130 | ||
FP flash |
| 94 | |
Full pressing the shutter button ............... |
| 29 | |
Fully Automatic Picture Taking ................ |
| 38 | |
Function Availability Table ..................... |
| 131 | |
H |
Halfway pressing the shutter button | ........ 29 | ||
Handling precautions .............................. |
| 10 | |
| 94 | ||
I |
Image information ........................... |
| 41, 100 | |
Image zone ............................................. |
| 18 | |
Imaging element ............................... |
| 2, 115 | |
Index printing ........................................ |
| 109 | |
Info button ....................................... |
| 60, 100 | |
Interface cable ........................................... |
| 3 | |
ISO speed ............................... | 51, 118, 130 | ||
J |
JPEG ............................................... |
| 50, 130 |